Acoustic resolution photoacoustic microscopy at the optical wavelength of 532 nm was used to investigate the functional reaction of blood vessels of healthy human skin during cuffed venous occlusion. The high bandwidth of the polyvinilidene difluoride detector provided the opportunity for raster-scan optoacoustic angiography of both the superficial and deep plexuses at the high resolution of 35/50 microns (axial/lateral). A reversible increase of blood supply in the microcirculatory bed during occlusion was revealed.
Subochev P., Orlova A., Smolina E., Kirillov A., Shakhova N., and Turchin I. Raster-scan optoacoustic angiography reveals 3D microcirculatory changes during cuffed occlusion, Laser Physics Letters 15 (4): 045602, (2018).
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